Independent financial advisers and multi-managers are turning to alternative asset classes to provide their investors with strong and more consistent returns according to EEA Fund Management.
The continued market volatility is forcing investment professionals to seek alternative ways to diversify their portfolios and EEA’s Life Settlements Fund is reaping the rewards as a result of its 26 consecutive months of positive returns, beating its benchmark of 8% p.a. net of charges, with the demand for access to the fund from the SIPP market also growing. EEA is also currently in talks with a number of major market names in a bid to take the innovative fund to the next level.
The pressure on those managing assets in equities and bonds has never been stronger, and teamed with relatively low interest rates on cash mean investors are increasingly seeking strong, consistent and low-risk returns in 2008 and having to look to alternative assets.
Life settlement funds are one beneficiary of this shift. Life settlements are the sale of a US life insurance policy to a third party, where the insured has an impaired life expectancy. They are completely uncorrelated to other asset classes and stock market volatility. Over the last six months the EEA Life Settlements Fund has consistently outperformed cash (+0.6%), UK equities (-5.5%) and bonds (-0.7%) by returning +4.88%.
Peter Winders, Marketing Director at EEA Fund Management, said: “The EEA Life Settlements Fund has delivered consistently good returns since its launch over two years ago while equities and bonds continue to tread a volatile path. It is an extremely interesting time for us at EEA as we are seeing a considerable increase in interest from IFAs looking to take their clients investments into safer waters, and also multi-managers who realise that we have continued to deliver in the face of adversity.
“IFAs and multi-managers recognise the value of uncorrelated assets in diversifying risk out of portfolios and we have seen increasing demand from this contingent. Life settlements also make perfect pension investments and we are looking to target this sector of the market moving forward.”
Alan Stokes, Head of Investment Funds at Lawrence House Fund Managers, said: “One of the attractions of the EEA Life Settlements Fund has to be its total lack or correlation compared to other investment mediums such as cash, equities and fixed income stocks. This lack of correlation can be of particular interest to those seeking to reduce volatility within a portfolio. The introduction of a sterling distribution share class has proved popular given the funds estimated yield of 7% to 8%. With more and more investors demanding a yield greater than inflation, as measured by the Retail Price Index, this fund has proved that this is now possible and without the high level of capital erosion normally associated with high yielding products.”
Roderick Collins, Founding Partner of London-based IFA Hasley Investment Management, said: “We specialise in bringing highly diversified investments to our clients on an open architecture basis and feel the Life Settlements Fund fits in with this. We have found the EEA Life Settlements Fund to be a particularly useful investment both because of its consistent positive returns and its zero correlation to equities. It is a core holding in our Multi-Strategy Fund and will also feature in our new Diversifier Fund.”
The life settlements market remains relatively untapped with $1 trillion in face value of policies lapsing or being surrendered each year in the US. Of this amount some $200 billion worth of unsold policies would be eligible for the EEA Life Settlements Fund to buy (i.e. policies of those individuals with life expectancies of eight years or less).
Source: Easy Finance
If you are interested in selling your policy or have a client you would like to assist with the sale of their policy, please call 1-888-973-8377. We would be glad to provide a no-cost evaluation and consultation.